Program Overview
The CFA Program is a three-part exam that tests the fundamentals of investment tools, valuing assets, portfolio management, and wealth planning. The CFA Program is typically completed by those with backgrounds in finance, accounting, economics, or business.
In Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Middle East generally, we strongly believe that passing CFA level intense practical knowledge about everything related to finance and investment, higher chances to answer technical interview questions, and more chances for promotions in work that is related to finance and investment.
Suitable Jobs related to CFA

Investment vacancies suitable
for CFA candidates
Equity Analyst, Investment Banking
Analyst, Private EquityAnalyst,
Investment Managers..

Credit related vacancies suitable for CFA candidates
Credit analysts, business banking
analysts, Corporate RiskAnalysts..

Finance related vacancies suitable for CFA candidates
Budget officers, financial reporting
managers, corporate finance analysts
and Financial advisory executives
Study Topics Overview

Financial Reporting & Analysis (15% of total)
- Understanding accounting standards & financial statements in depth: B/S, IC, CF
- Steps of financial analysis, and financial ratios calculations
- Knowing inventory valuation methods, insights on long-lived assets, income taxes, and long-lived liabilities
- Financial reporting quality, and applications

Corporate Finance (10% of exam weight)
- Corporate governance
- Capital budgeting and cost of capital
- Measures of leverage and working capital management

Economics (10% of Exam weight)
- Demand & supply analysis
- Firms and market structure
- Aggregate Output, Prices, and Economic Growth ü Understanding Business Cycles
- Monetary and Fiscal Policy
- Currency Exchange Rates

Quantitative Methods (10% of Examweight)
- Time value of money
- Discounted cash flow applications
- Statistical Concepts and Market Returns ü Probability Concepts
- Sampling and Estimation
- Technical Analysis

Equity (11% of exam weight)
- What is the financial system ? What is the stock market index ?
- Types of market indices
- Market efficiency and overview on equity securities
- Industry analysis
- Concepts on Equity valuation

Fixed Income (11% of exam weight)
- What is the bond and its features? What are the bond cash-flows? ü Callable bonds, puttable bonds, and convertible bonds
- Sovereign bonds, corporate debt, and financial instruments
- Fixed income valuation, asset back securities
- Credit analysis

Ethics (15% of Exam weight)
- Ethics and Trust in the Investment Profession
- Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct
- Guidance for the standards
- Introduction to the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®)

Portfolio Management (6% of exam weight)
- Overview on portfolio management and risk management
- Portfolio risk and return
- Portfolio Planning and construction

Derivatives (6% of Exam weight)
- Derivatives markets
- Pricing and valuation of derivatives

Alternative Investments (6% of Exam weight)
- Types of alterative investments
Course & Exam Details
- Finance Coach offers its courses in Cairo (Dokki, Nasr City) and Alexandria in Egypt. We also online courses to Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Kuwait
- The course hours is 180 hours, with two lectures per week (3 hours per lecture)
- 2-3 instructors per each course, with different experience and way of teaching
- Instructors are certified with 10 -15 years of experience
- The CFA registration and exam fees are USD 1,250 (USD 900 exam fees + USD 250 registration)
- CFA Institute offers different scholarships reducing the total fees to USD 250
- The exam is offer 4 times per year in Feb, May, Aug, and Nov.
CFA orientation videos
Instructors Bio

CFA charterholder (2019- 2022)




Amr Essam

Hala Ghonem
Instructors Bio





Amr Essam

Hala Ghonem

Finance Coach is a CFA Institute Prep Provider. Only CFA Institute Prep Providers are permitted to make use of CFA Institute copyrighted materials which are the building blocks of the exam. We are also required to create / use updated materials every year and this is validated by CFA Institute. Our products and services substantially cover the relevant curriculum and exam and this is validated by CFA Institute. In our advertising, any statement about the numbers of questions in our products and services relates to unique, original, proprietary questions. CFA Institute Prep Providers are forbidden from including CFA Institute official mock exam questions or any questions other than the end of reading questions within their products and services”
“CFA Institute does not endorse, promote, review or warrant the accuracy or quality of the product and services offered by Finance Coach.
CFA Institute®️, CFA®️ and “Chartered Financial Analyst®️” are trademarks owned by CFA Institute.”
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